7 Small Bathroom Design Ideas

Posted On: March 1, 2024

Most of the time, creativity springs from the smallest of spaces. There are so many interesting ways to maximise storage spaces within a bedroom, allot more room for exercise and activity in a living room, or squeeze in a fully-equipped kitchen in a small apartment.  

In the advent of trends such as tiny houses or micro-apartment living, you can find a plethora of ways to make any space more spacious. If your focus for today is on your bathroom, here are 8 small bathroom design ideas you might find helpful! 

Use a big mirror 

If you use a big mirror, especially a wall-to-wall mirror, you create the illusion of spaciousness. Even if you do not necessarily change anything else up – as in you don’t clear out storage boxes or move the shower curtain – having a big mirror installed in your small bathroom will make it look and feel big.

Speaking of mirrors, consider backlighting your mirror 

Backlighting your mirror hits not two but three birds with one stone! First, a mirror itself can make a small bathroom feel spacious, as said above.  

Second, the backlight adds texture to the overall illumination within a space, and it’s a strategic way to fill the room with just enough light so every corner is accounted for.  

Finally, it’s also a great way to save on space for wall lights: if you don’t have room to put up sconces, the backlight will do just fine. It also saves time and effort on the part of your renovation builders for your Melbourne home! 

Choose light, airy colours that are friendly with natural light 

The brighter the colours you choose, the more serene and natural the space feels. In a poorly coloured small bathroom, one may feel constricted and uncomfortable, like the walls are closing in on them as they take care of their personal business.  

But if you choose light colours, the small bathroom will give off a relaxing vibe instead. Plus, you want the colours to work well with natural light, as a wash of natural light during the day can also “open up” the space. 

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